Home / Religious / 2022 last Akwasidae: Otumfuo’s arrives in a grand style [watch]

2022 last Akwasidae: Otumfuo’s arrives in a grand style [watch]

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

The chief and people of the Ashanti land marked their 8th and final Akwasidae for 2022 on Sunday, December 25, 2022.

The colourful event which happened on the same day as Christmas had the Awoemefia of Anlo State, Togbe Siri III, as the special guest of the overlord of the Ashanti land, Asantehene Otumfuo Osel Tutu II.

Togbe Siri III arrived with a large entourage which included his chiefs and the Member of Parliament for Korley Klottey, Zanetor Agyeman Rawlings.

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The Asantehene, as usual, did not disappoint, as he arrived with pageantry amidst drumming and dancing.

A video shared by Opesuo Radio showed the Ashanti King majestically riding in a palanquin as he danced and waved at his subjects and guests.

Other noted people who were present at the Akwasidae included the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah; the Minister for Trade and Industry, Alan Kyerematen; the

Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr. N. Asare and and the Mayor of Kumasi Sam Pyne.

Watch a video of the Asantehene’s arrival plus other cultural displays at the Akwasidae below:

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