Home / GENERAL NEWS / NPP Elections: Nsuta-Kwamang, Fetish Priest Wins NPP Constituency Chairmanship Race; Knocked down 3 popular candidates

NPP Elections: Nsuta-Kwamang, Fetish Priest Wins NPP Constituency Chairmanship Race; Knocked down 3 popular candidates

Fetish Priest Wins NPP Constituency Chairmanship Race; Knocked down 3 popular candidates

Nana Kwame Antwi, a fetish priest who contested for chairmanship position in the Nsuta-Kwaman- Beposo constituency in the Ashanti region on the ticket of the ruling New Patriotic Party has shocked other contenders after giving them a hands-down defeat.

The NPP as part of its quest to break the eight in 2024 is currently electing party officials within the various constituencies across the country.

While some places have been brewed with tensions, there are other areas that have witnessed a very peaceful election. Nsuta/Kwaman Beposo has been one of the constituencies that witnessed a very peaceful election.

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Nana Antwi who was seriously celebrating a festival at his residence with other fetish priests was called to be informed of his victory as this brought extra jubilation to him and his supporters who stormed the polling center at Nsuta – Atonsu amid songs, powder spray, and a host of jubilations.

Nana Kwame Antwi who polled 267 votes gave his close contender, Mr. Abel Anokye a nine(9) vote margin after he(Mr. Anokye) polled 258 votes. The other two contenders within the race, Mr. Charles Aduse-Poku, and Mr. Ahmed Yussif secured 43 and 9 votes respectively.

Speaking to this reporter after the victory, Nana Kwame Antwi said the victory was meant for the NPP’s break the eight agenda.

He has however entreated both winning and losing contenders to wholeheartedly come together and fight a common course that gears towards victory in 2024.

When asked if his priesthood was not going to interfere with his work as a party chairman, the new chairman-elect said that was not going to be a problem at all.

According to him, he has been doing party and other related works, and none of them had ever clashed with his work as a fetish priest.

Nana Chairman finally thanked everyone who contributed to his victory and promised to work relentlessly to uplift the party’s tally. He pledged to work in a strong unity with the seating Member of Parliame
nt, Hon. Adelaide Yaa Agyeiwaa Ntim to ensure development within the constituency.

On his part, Mr. Peter Mensah aka Kaiki who strongly retained his seat said the only means through which the NPP party can break the eight is by uniting themselves as a strong team.

According to him, there’s the need for both the elected and the losers to put all bitterness and differences behind so that they can work with a clean heart to achieve the party’s goals.

Mr. Mensah, however, advised all winning aspirants being an MP, Party chairman, secretary, organiser, etc that after getting the chance to win whatever position you vye for, make sure you work hard to serve the people, the party, and Ghana in general.

He said it was very bad to flex muscles on people in a luxurious lifestyle instead of serving them in humility.

Mr. Joseph Wiredu Oduro, the newly elected constituency treasure speaking to the media in an interview said his humility and dedication to serving the party was seriously on course.

The treasurer-elect whose victory met a lot of controversies wondered why some delegates were trying to attribute his victory to overvoting.

According to him, his victory was a very clean one that needs no negative tag. He called on all hardworking faithfuls of the party to always remain focused without being destructed by any alien propaganda.

Meanwhile, other contestants who also won the election were Issaka Fuseini as Nasara Coordinator, Mad. Matilda Asieduwaa, Women’s Organiser, Charles Kofi Yeboah, Organiser, Daniel Owusu as Constituency Secretary, and Okyere Darko, Assistant Secretary.

Other winners included Abdulai Yeboah, 2nd Vice Chairman and Kwame Acheampong as 1st Vice Chairman.

MP for the area, Honourable Adelaide Yaa Agyeiwaa Ntim commended the newly elected officials for their victory. She called on them to work hard in unity to make sure the party’s ultimate dream of breaking the eight becomes successful with ease.

The MP who was satisfied with the election process expressed happiness over how the election had been very peaceful without any pandemonium.

The honourable member of parliament took the opportunity to advise all delegates and aspirants across the country to resort to peaceful elections since that can secure the party’s victory for 2024. She said the only way by which the party can retain power is by showing commitment and practicing disciplinary acts without dirtying themselves outside.

She said there was the need to strategize things to help the party win more seats in parliament to convincingly obtain the majority slot so that the next NPP government will not suffer in decision making

Source: : Otixpres.com

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