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see how these alumni did to their almer mater teachers.

Old Students of the
then Premas Educational Complex which was located at Kenkase-Adwumam in the Kwabre East Municipality of Ashanti have donated assorted provisional items to the aged teachers.

A former class teacher currently a media practitioner at despite media, Sir Rexkin Ohene Boateng who led the delegation to Mad. Georgina and Mad. Ama Serwaa an 83 and 73 year old nursery’s teachers respectively after the alumni have amalgamated themselves after twelve 12 years of separation.

The items which include varieties of shower and washing soaps, edible items such as milo, brown sugar, bread, crates of eggs and undisclosed sums of money were presented to the two retired teachers on Sunday 28th February, 2021 at Kenyasi in the same Municipality.

The benevolency was part of the still school going children’s contribution not only to exhibit their love and appreciation to the Old ladies when they were toddlers at the six class ending school but also to deliver their mandatory service to God according to the Bible to extend help to the poor, aged, the sick, vulnerable and the needy.

Premas Educational Complex was a basic school from nursery to class six headed by Mr Arthur Emmanuel.

The Pupils normally complete at grade six and proceed to junior high schools of choice normally done by the class vi teachers. Some of the students are currently in Nursing colleges, others working at airtel-tigo office, self-employed, beauticians, several different companies, others still waiting for university admission whilst some are still in basic and senior high schools.

Among the participants, the CEO of heroesghnews.com Sir Rexkin Ohene Boateng, Senior Gyasi Michael, Snr Boateng Charles, Mad. Julliet Adjei and Mad. Esther Achiaa took the nod on behalf of the entire group to the visit.

The beneficiaries however were overwhelmed as they were unaware of the visit, they expressed their profound gratitude, extremely happy and grateful to the group,they also pronounced words of blessings and seeked God’s favour and protection for them.

They had quite time and recapped their memories back to their almer mater as tears of joy ensue them.

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