Home / GENERAL NEWS / NPP allegedly presented fake Adwoa Sarfo in Parliarment to vote in the 2022 budget

NPP allegedly presented fake Adwoa Sarfo in Parliarment to vote in the 2022 budget

Social media is currently on fire as some netizens accuse the majority of allegedly bringing in someone to represent the member of Parliament for Dome Kwabenya, Hon. Adwoa Sarfo.

According to some of these bothered netizens, the majority caucus in Parliament is trying everything in their power to make sure that the 2022 budget – which was initially rejected in Parliament by the minority – is accepted.

Last Friday, the majority according to a source(s) in an attempt to get the numbers delayed the sitting in Parliament just to make sure Kennedy Agyapong and Adwoa Sarfo who were out of the country come to add up to their number.

Checks revealed that Kennedy Agyapong was the only person who was able to return to Ghana and drove straight to the parliament house to join the majority.

Adwoa Sarfo from some sources couldn’t make it because of some reasons yet to be known.

However, yesterday during the sitting in parliament, Adwoa Sarfo’s seat in parliament was occupied by someone during the voting on the 2022 budget.

Photos and videos of the woman who occupied Adwoa’s seat have surfaced on social media.

Some people hold the belief that the person in that seat wasn’t Adwoa Sarfo rather an imposter.

Netizens who seem to know more about her family are saying Adwoa Safo was represented in Parliament by her sister known as Becky Sarfo.

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