Home / GENERAL NEWS / Just Inn A/R: Court places injunction on Bantama Constituency polling station elections, others arrested

Just Inn A/R: Court places injunction on Bantama Constituency polling station elections, others arrested

A/R Court places injunction on Bantama Constituency polling station elections, others arrested.

The election of polling station executives for the ruling New Patriotic Party, in the Ashanti Region, has been postponed due to a court injunction.

The election was originally scheduled to take place on February 19, 2022.

Speaking in an interview with SALT FM’s Adomba Akwasi Adu Katakyie, Mr. Erick Opoku, an aspiring Polling Station Chairman, Action Chapel Hall Asubonteng revealed authorities who presided over the election at Bohyen one of the eighth electoral areas in the Bantama constituency, has been arrested.

Hon. James, one of the polling station Chairmanship Aspirants express his disappointment why authorities failed to update them.

CAll for details 0245209956. Hon. James Kofi Wusu

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