Home / GENERAL NEWS / Job Employment opportunities: Interior, Education and National Security Ministries Granted Clearance To Recruit Over 11,800 Staff

Job Employment opportunities: Interior, Education and National Security Ministries Granted Clearance To Recruit Over 11,800 Staff

The Minister for Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, has cleared the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of National Security to recruit 11,840 staff to augment their existing staff strength.

In separate letters sent to the three ministries, the Finance Minister stipulated the exact number of persons to be employed in the exercise, with the Ministry for the Interior granted the opportunity to recruit over 90 percent of the total number.

The Interior Ministry, which is in charge of local security issues and law and order, has been cleared to recruit some 11,000 persons.

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5,000 are to be employed in the Police Service and 2000 each in the Prisons Service, Immigration Service and Fire Service.

For the Education Ministry, 600 ICT coordinators are expected to be employed, while the Ministry for National Security is cleared to recruit 240 persons for the National Investigations Bureau (NIB) and the National Signals Bureau (NSB).

The Finance Minister urged the beneficiary agencies at the ministries to ensure that the employed persons “have their documents processed in time and placed on the Mechanized Payroll early enough to enable the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department effect payment of their salaries.”

Source: Citinewsroom.com

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