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How to Make Your Woman Wet Tonight

With the monsoon finally kicking in, at least here in Delhi, it may be time not just to get your clothes wet in the rain, but also your woman, who has had to struggle enough times in bed as you worked your way to her through a drought.

Tips For Men To Get Their Women Wet.
You see, a woman’s vagina is like the weather, when it’s wet outside, it is time to go inside. However, many men proceed without caution and on dry land. And even though, I do understand how it can be awfully difficult sometimes to make your woman get wet, set and ready. It is far from being impossible.

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Here are 6 tips that might just come in handy and help you…’water her plant’:

1. Whisper In Her Ears
A rather underrated method to get your girl going, most women get turned on simply after listening to their man whisper softly in their ears.

Whether it is dirty talk, sweet nothings or simply telling them how much you like them or perhaps, how much you crave them, a whisper in the ear ALWAYS works like a charm.

2. Give Her A Handful
Put your fingers to better use and go on a wild exploration of the caves.

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Trace lines across her thighs, graze her softly and when the time comes, don’t be shy to let your fingers go fishing. Pro tip – the hook is a catch!

3. ‘Lip To Lip’ Kiss
Except we’re talking about the less conventional pair of lips, one that women carry between their thighs.

Ram your head in between her legs, flood her with kisses and let your tongue do the talking. Trust me, you’ll make it rain in no time!

4. Exploit Her Weak Spot
Every woman, including yours, has a weak spot, one that as soon as anyone touches will make a current run through her body.

For some, it may be their back, their feet, their neck or even their knees. Find out that one spot that makes them writhe in bed and while you’re stroking her, also graze her weak spot for definite results!

5. Dry Humping
As ironic as it may sound, it works.

The act of simply stimulating sex but withholding for the act, all the while grinding and teasing the woman is enough to let her body get prepared for what’s to come.

6. Lube It Up
Not most preferred but one that definitely guarantees moisture, using a lubricant is also a way to make your way down a woman’s slippery slope.

It not only helps the woman feel relaxed, not fearing for any friction, and will make your grand entry as smooth as possible.

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