Home / POLITICS / Despite SC Ruling: Assin North By Election, Quayson Will Contest, Win Hands Down ~ Gallant Cadres of NDC

Despite SC Ruling: Assin North By Election, Quayson Will Contest, Win Hands Down ~ Gallant Cadres of NDC

Despite SC Ruling: Assin North By Election, Quayson Will Contest, Win Hands Down ~ Gallant Cadres of NDC.

Press Release
To All Media Houses
The Gallant Cadres of NDC

Assin North By Election, Quayson Will Contest, Win Hands Down

Hon. Quayson is more than qualify to do so.


As usual , by majority decision, the court has ruled against the Assin North MP

But for the first time , 2 of the judges may have listened to Kan Dapaah.

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So by court and by a 5:2 rulling, the Assin MP can not hold himself as a member of Parliament
This two judges in favor was a carefully planned by the Judges.They are only trying to beat our mind. They knew what they were doing and have done it again.
Though this by election is of no importance to the NDC, but I think leadership should put inn all efforts to ensure that we have the seat back. If we can as suggested by a colleague here all 274 constituencies should join the Assin North constituency to battle out this election.

This useless NPP government just want to frustrate and reduce NDC numbers.

NDC MPs are also seriously defending those lazy NPP MPs who were refered to the privilages committee.

Assin North constituency
and SALL i.e. (Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi, Likpe)

For your information, Hon Quayson is well able to contest the seat.

We shall overcome !!!

To the Gallant Cadres of NDC the time for the NDC to begin a loud campaign in which we must make the point that the NPP has decided to deny two constituencies in Ghana of representation in parliament.

This campaign must be ceaseless and very loud to the point that residents in these areas would be mad with the NPP such that they would not have a dog’s chance to ever win those seats in the future.

Comrade Richard E A Sarpong, Father Casford. The PRO and Convener 0241906363

Mr. F Kadan, Secretary

Mr P Buckman, Chairman. 0553982819

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