Home / POLITICS / “You don’t Own NDC” ~ Ashanti Confederation Of NDC Slaps Betty Mould Iddrisu

“You don’t Own NDC” ~ Ashanti Confederation Of NDC Slaps Betty Mould Iddrisu

A group in the NDC by name Ashanti Confederation has Stated point blank that madam Betty Mould Iddriss does not own NDC as a political party in the Country.

According to them , their attention has been drawn to the fact that Madam BETTY MOULD IDDRISU is trying to hijack some constituencies and regional executives in the Ashanti region in favor of Johnson Asiedu Nketia and Sofo Azourka in the upcoming national executives elections.

In a press release copied to broadcastergh.com this morning,signed by Mr.Osei Bonsu, Secretary to the confederation, it was stated that “though I’m in support of Johnson Asiedu Nketia’s chairmanship bid but Madam BETTY should know that some of us are aware of the mess and sharp divisions she has created in some constituencies such as Kwabre East, Afigya Kwabre South and North etc.”

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He again noted that,in fact, Madam Betty Mould Iddriss has not contributed any good thing in the party within Ashanti region.
Besides she hasn’t hold any Constituency or Regional position in the party.

BETTY MOULD couldn’t hide her attitude during the regional elections at Baba Yara sports stadium where she openly jubilated when Nana Kwesi’s name was mentioned. At this time, it took Hon. Muntaka Mubarak to get her away to resume her seat.

If she wants to remain as a mother for the party, she should do so accordingly if not some of us will match her in the gutters.

Those close to her should let her know that she can destroy the party within kwabre and Afigya enclave but she shouldn’t dare bring her childish attitude to Amansie, Adansi, Bosomtwe enclave and the region at large.

“If she doesn’t see herself as the mother of the party, then she should rather face us but not hide herself behind certain individuals.

I’m using this opportunity to reach the party hierarchy to call her to order before it will be too late for her.
Where were she when our fathers and mothers were fighting to bring NDC into existence?

If she has the party at heart, she would have unite the party within her catchment area.

She should bare in mind that we will have elections every four (4) years and NDC will remain forever.

If she intends to destroy NDC, some of us will destroy her first. “It further indicated.

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