Home / EDUCATION / Pru West: Pupils forced to sit on bare floor to learn due to lack of furniture.

Pru West: Pupils forced to sit on bare floor to learn due to lack of furniture.

Pru West Pupils forced to sit on bare floor to learn due to lack of furnitures

Pupils of Abeasi Komfourkrom Presby Junior High School in the Pru West District of the Bono East region are forced to sit on bare floors to learn due to the lack of furniture.

During a visit to the school by our reporter KWABENA MANU, he observed cracks on the school block and found the floor of the classrooms to be rough with many of the windows and doors broken.


In an interview with one of the teachers (name withheld) said the school had not witnessed any form of renovation since it was handed over to them in 2010.

According to him the classroom blocks was handed over to them without a single furniture.

“The problem is not for only pupils but our teachers also don’t have furniture to sit on so at times we find it difficult to mark class works and assignments.

Some pupils, who spoke to our reporter, appealed to the government, their Member of Parliament, Hon.Stephen Jalullah as well as non-governmental organisations to come to their aid as a matter of agency because they are now battling with back and neck pains.

Source: Kwabena Manu

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