Home / POLITICS / Founders’ Day: “Akufo-Addo Killing The Country’s History”- CPP

Founders’ Day: “Akufo-Addo Killing The Country’s History”- CPP

Former Ashanti regional chair for the Convention People Party, Mr A. S Osei has said that, H. E Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo is ravaging the country’s history.

According to the devoted leader, there was nothing like founder’s day since independent but he is bewildered how the Akufo-Addo government has abruptly fetched such unrecognised public holiday.

“I have sought politics for somewhat some years. I don’t recognise anything like founder’s day. What we know is independence day. It’s a blight to just sit down to rewrite the country’s biography without any principles or data.”

Mr Osei Yaw restated that Ghanaians should discount the Akufo-Addo government indoctrination to shift the country’s history to gratify his own political participation.

‘‘Plenty holidays will not solve the economic woes. The most important thing is to ensure Ghanaians get their daily bread and save them from the hardships’’, he narrated.

*##Please try to reach him for insight into the story on 0242241512*

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