Home / GENERAL NEWS / Effective system will attract investors to Ghana ~ NPP Communications Director.

Effective system will attract investors to Ghana ~ NPP Communications Director.

The Director of communications for New Patriotic Party in the Banda Constituency, in the Bono Region, Mr. Dongi Gabriel, has evoked for the establishment of effective systems to attract investors to expand Ghana’s economy.

According to the communications director, there is the need for various sectors of the economy to be well managed to ensure effective national development, therefore urging the government to grasp the acquaintance of dogmatic plans to develop the country’s economy.

Mr. Dongi, who was speaking on key issues on investors confronting the nation on Tain FM ‘Anopa Nkomo’ program with the host, Appiah Kubi, the usual host, emphasized the need for government to deal with corruption at all levels, integrity on economic growth and honesty to create the right environment for businesses to attract investors.

He admitted that the country is facing myriad challenges and entreated the citizens to criticize constructively to push leaders to solve problems
facing the country.

He then stated emphatically that looking at how the government is managing the factors which influences investors i.e economic growth rate, confidence in leadership, inflation, interest rate, depreciation,industry performance, giving out subsidies, Tax relief to investors etc are in the right direction and therefore believe it will boost investors confidence going forward.

He entreated Ghanaians to be honest and demand accountability and also trust in the leadership of the NPP Government who are always good managers when it comes to the country’s economy.

For further details, call Mr. Dongi Gabriel (NPP Communications Director – Banda) on 0548308300

Source: TainFM Appiah-Kubi.

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