The magnificent structure constructed on a large expanse of land(equivalent to a minimal game park) was built in his home village called Gbadolite at the cost £100m.
It was considered the ” epitome of decor and elegance ” in Zaire and beyond. The super structure was decorated with Italian marble, katangese high -karate Gold plated doors & windows, Spanish floor tiles, automatic American air conditioning ,Isreal state of the art communication systems, king size swimming pool, a private airport control tower, 3-4 inch g bullet proof glassware, 5 presidential suites, 6 Jacuzzi’s & surrounded by a mini game park full of all kinds of wildlife including Indian Tigers .
The structure which at the time of Mobutu’s death was ranked one of the most magnificent private castles ever owned by a sitting head of state, is now home to wild rats, tropical snakes , gecko lizards ,mega snails , scorpions, birds & thousands of wild insects.
Dictators should learn from this. Where are Mobutu’s kids to take over their father’s estate? See now the state of such a beautiful mansion
hmm we shall live to see the day of reckoned